Insight on Unrequited Love

Ever witnessed unrequited love. Unrequited love or one-sided love is the love that is not openly reciprocated or understood as such. The beloved may or may not be aware of the admirer's deep and strong romantic affections. There are various opinions present some say that one-sided love is better than none. Others, considered that indispensable, to the lover is his unrequited love, which he would at no price relinquish for a state of indifference. It is actually a form of addiction.  We get lost in longing and it’s that feeling of longing that we mistake for love.  It becomes habitual, part of who we are and how we experience life.  It lurks behind everything and taints every moment of joy and happiness that could be ours if only we were brave enough to root it out.

Love is one of life’s greatest teachers and mysteries, but it’s almost as it becomes obsession with cracking the code of love itself when someone doesn't love us back. There is a clear choice where we can decide that there is something horribly wrong with us and something is wrong with the other person. The love here turns people into an object of worship, a false idol.  As long as we aren't actually with them, we can weave our own powerful myths about which they are and of how perfect everything would be if we were with them. This whole mental dream collapses when you spend some time with them. In real relationships, people argue. You plan a passionate day out of joy and fulfilment and they are busy on their cell phones or checking out books. Ideally in your world of fantasy with this incredible love object, this is never predicted.  Unrequited love is a major way of leaking power, even though we might recognise its dangers, we can also convince ourselves that we can’t get out of that awful state unless someone rescues us.  

From a spiritual perspective it might be that we have a ‘past life’ connection with that person or loved them in another life so that in this life they feel incredibly familiar. Clinging onto a past life experience can block our souls growth in this life. We have to rescue ourselves, claim our own power back, snap ourselves out of the spell that’s been cast.  That begins by us recognising that we have fallen into a state of negative enchantment and being willing to do whatever it takes to break it.  That way, we set ourselves free to go on and attract real love.  If you look back once the spell is broken you’ll see the most astonishing sight.  Where you might have seen a God or Goddess, you’ll see an ordinary person.  If you could see through the eyes of your soul, you might see another soul who came along at the perfect time to allow you to experience what it’s like when you give away your power.  You may even send them a silent blessing for giving you such a wonderful gift – that is, just before you turn away and go and get on with your own life once more and manifest the real love you deserve.

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