The River of Life

I just witnessed a river recently. The weather was tempting. Just right for a bit of play. As I stepped into the river, I felt the dance and raga of the river.  My eyes aligned along the surface to get the best image of the river and the mountains in the background. A river is a perfect place and a perfect teacher to contemplate and meditate on life. The clear, cold water rushed down the densely forested mountain. It twisted its way between huge and small ancient dark rocks, brought down by the previous ice age from far away, creating small pools and waterfalls covered with green moss, white foam, and sweet bubbly sounds. And suddenly an inner voice flowed through my mind:

“Each of our thoughts flow downstream, the being is just the witness of flow of the thoughts. Water never stops - it finds ways around the rock and moves on. We can learn how to better integrate our lives with river, and identify and remove the blockages that limit our potential in order to let us flow more freely in the river of life. Our fears, concerns, complexions which come from negative experiences or beliefs, convince us that we are not capable, that we're inadequate or undeserving. We deny ourselves, often without even realizing it. Rather than allowing the universe to flow through us, so we can receive the many opportunities it makes available, we stay stuck within our familiar limitations.”

     The Abundance starts with you. By letting your river flow again, you will start to be in the flow of life and attract abundance to flow with you. 

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